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Please fill out this form and we’ll call to set up an appointment.  Please note: the response to your inquiry will be handled within 1 to 2 business days (excluding holidays and weekends).

Thanks for your interest and we look forward to talking with you.

Kurt Westergard                                                     

T: (403) 923-2996

E: [email protected]

Calgary, Alberta

(403) 923-2996

Home renovation company and general contractor specializing in full service design-build renovations of residential and commercial buildings and new construction of commercial and residential buildings. Our expertise lies in renovating homes and commercial spaces into well-designed, high quality, energy efficient modern spaces



Home Renovations Ideas and Tips from the Calgary General Contractor, Renovation Company Calgary

A Calgary a full-service renovation company and general contractor specializing in design, the turnkey commercial renovations, full home renovations, custom homes and additions.  Check out our website for tip and ideas.


Finishes for Aesthetics and Sustainability in Urban Homes and Commercial Spaces


More and more people want homes that are healthy to live in, are inexpensive to operate, and fit harmoniously within the environment. In this issue of Harmony Home Projects’ blog, we explore some ideas for producing a durable, environmentally friendly, and healthier finishes in an interior environment.

Our aesthetic goals included challenging the traditional materials typically used in building finishing including plywood, particleboard, and paints. Most of the conventional building materials made with chemicals that are released over time into the air we breathe. Raw earth-based finishes are exceptionally gentle on the planet and avoid the use of synthetic substances; therefore, they substantially reduce the contamination of the ground, air and water. This prevents the contamination of water, animals, and humans that is a result of many of the conventional building materials being used today.  Some of the earth-based finishes include reclaimed wood, rapidly renewable woods, water-based finish, plant oils, waxes and low VOC paints.

Here are some examples of the ecological, aesthetically pleasing finishing for your home or commercial space:

Health House (Gym) by  Hufft Projects

Health House (Gym) by Hufft Projects

Ritto House by  ALTS Design Office

Ritto House by  ALTS Design Office
